Auto Mechanic

Need our Services? Book now!
Imagine, you are on the road, driving your car or motorbike. The vehicle suddenly gets any defect. You need the service of any mechanic but no mechanic is available in the vicinity. What to do? Nayakam has solved this problem.
How to find a good auto mechanic? The solution is just a click away. Just download the Nayakam App from Google Play Store, install it, and select the service of auto-mechanic you require.
Our auto mechanics are highly skilled with rich experience in the field. They are available to serve your needs in almost all areas of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, and Lahore.
We have grouped auto-mechanic services into two categories:
- We believe in:
- Strong values
- Quality of services – the satisfaction of our clients
- Timeliness
- Ease and comfort of our clients
- Value for money – quite reasonable rates
Auto Mechanic Services
Our Nayakam App is available on Google Play Store. Click the download now button to download the app and then select the desired service.