Safety Services

Safety first. Here are safety guidelines for our service providers:
- Keep all necessary safety equipment with yourself, while you visit the site of work.
- Upon arrival at the site, assess safety conditions at the worksite before starting work. Report about unsafe conditions, if found, to the service users/clients to address them. Don’t start work unless the safety conditions are not provided at the worksite.
- Understand the risks before starting any work and take adequate measures to minimize the risks.
- Keep yourself updated about safety guidelines related to your profession.
- Don’t argue with your clients/service providers.
A service provider of Nayakam a skilled person such as electrician, plumber, carpenter, car mechanic, AC technician, auto-mechanic, painter or carpenter etc. The list of services is available on the website of Nayakam.
A service user is an individual or an organization, who has requested a particular service.
No. The same app can’t be used for both purposes. Separate Apps are available for service providers and service users. Name of the app for service users is “Nayakam” while that for service providers are “Nayakam Partner
The Nayakam App for service users can be downloaded from either following the following link or by searching Nayakam in Google Play Store:
The Nayakam “Partner App for service providers can be downloaded from either following the following link or by searching “Nayakam Partner” in Google Play Store:
Please approach us immediately:
- Call/WhatsApp us at 0333 5410091
- Write to us at